North Alabama EuroBrit Motoring Society

New Member Welcome
and next level planning begins for Eurobrit 2025
Each year, the membership of the North Alabama EuroBrit Motoring Society plans for the Annual EuroBrit car show. Every year since its inception we have secured a site, planned the details and welcomed European and British car owners to join us in sharing the their very cool and unique cars.
We are excited by the interest we have already seen for the 2025 Eurobrit show. Scroll down and reserve your place today!

Enjoy Drive Time
Come and kick the Tires
First Tuesday of the month.
Weather postposed our First Tuesday March meeting until March 11th same time, same place.
Welcome new members!
We are passionate about having a good time, British and European car ownership and the driving experience. We are dedicated to experiencing, preserving and promoting these awesome European and British classic cars.
Your first step is to get involved in the club, meet people and join in.
We meet the first Tuesday of each month except for holidays. In Feburary we meet the first Tuesday in at the West End Grill at 5:30PM Bring your European or British car. Eat and Meet at 6:00. All non-holiday months we meet the first Tuesday of each month.
Once every month or so, we go out on a drive. We sometime go to a distant restaurant, a winery, a distillery, a race track, salvage yard or a museum.
Come and join us and
Enjoy the drive.
Enjoy the experience.
A collection of photos from past shows and more
EuroBrit is the show for European and British cars and motorcycles.

Scroll Down for your EUROBRIT 2025 Registration and NAEMS Membership.
The North Alabama EuroBrit Motoring Society started as a group of British car enthusiasts founded by Steve Floyd and George Cagle in 1985 who share a deep appreciation of the British and European car and motorcycle ownership and driving experience. Members come from the Greater Tennessee Valley. Our club is dedicated to preserving and promoting these fine cars and their heritage. Join us for a variety of car meetups and events, including the exclusive EuroBrit car show now in its 30th year.
Enjoy our drives, meetings and dinners. Connect with other British and European car enthusiasts across the Tennessee Valley. We also work together to build a stronger, more rewarding community though educational donations and scholarships supporting our interest.

EuroBrit Sign-Up
30 + Years of good friends and
great European and British cars.
This is not your average car and motorcycle show.
Join Us,
all year and for
EuroBrit Show Saturday
May 31st, 2025
Register in advance below.
Sign In 8:00 AM,
Dublin Park,
8324 Old Madison Pike
Madison, Alabama,
Save the date and
register now!
Please fill out this form and scroll down to pay the fee below and SUBMIT to enter your car. New Submission every year.
Register your place at EuroBrit Show 2025 Now!
European and British Motorcycle Entry Fee
and T-Shirt + Gift Bag. $30
Join NAEMS Membership Annual Dues $20
Buy an Additional EuroBrit
T-Shirt $15
Buy The President's Race Team (Family) Bundle
Qty-5 T-shirt Current Year Bundle $90
Buy The Race Team Select Special Offer Previous Year Shirt
Race Team (Family) Bundle
Qty 5 (size and color based on availability) Buy a team worth of practice shirts for our left over stock. These are perfect for Ballet or Baseball practice. 5 for $50

Say Thank You
to our 2024 Sponsors. If your frequent one of our sponsors tell them Thank you! and to join us again for the 2025 EuroBrit show.
Century Automotive
